Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween.

I am a little irritated tonight. Minor pregnancy symptoms are wearing on me. My first bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream hasn't cleared my head and I think I need another. And I wasn't going to post tonight, but any sort of emotion is great fuel for writing.

I have been chasing Jack around the house with tissue all day just trying to catch up with his running nose. He has been irritable while getting over a cold and being cooped inside. I'm right along with him. And this cabin fever wouldn't be so bad if we had cold weather outside and real cocoa to sip on.

I will hold my breath. Why? Because the weatherman promises "winter" weather this week and if he doesn't hold true... ROAD TRIP! The fine majestic mountains of the Carolinas await. And I'm not packing anything unless it's wool or fleece. I bought four pairs of cozy socks that I'm saving for fireside. This Thanksgiving, I'm going to be toasty. Not because I reside in the everlasting sweltering heat, but because my toes will be two feet behind the marshmallows.

That's a few tomorrows away, so on to yesterday. Yesterdays must be appreciated. They are the doors to the present. And today is quite a present, thanks to my great yesterdays.

We waited for Halloween festivities to begin. And with a one year old, we have to constantly entertain. I'd love for him to just kick back on the sofa in front of the tube with a root beer, but he hasn't matured yet. Yep, I think that sounds pretty backward, too.

So we found some bubbles. Bubbles blowing buys you about 20 minutes.

Bubble popping may tack on an extra ten.

But if you can blow bubbles and dance, that will last as long as you can stay on your feet.

I would so wear this to work. And I would bring a squirt gun to shoot my patients. I'd make balloon animals and bounce them up and down on their knees on the stretcher. If they're cute, I might share my hat. And I would take a huge, animated paintbrush and mark labels on their splints: left and right. I'd even paint their faces.

I'll never forget this. Jack didn't get tired after three houses. He hopped off his bike at each house, knock on the door and when it opened, he's slam his pumpkin on their threshold and demand, "more!"

We taught him trick or treat, which comes out like, "teetee". But this kid ain't a trickster, he knows what he wants and knows how to ask... minus the ask.

When our energy ran out, we retired to the driveway where neighbors joined for pizza and treats and lots of colorful littles.

Our Halloween was happy.

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