I'm loving mornings. I love hearing Jack call us from his crib after sleeping in it all night long. I love walking in to wake up Mister Sunshine, which entails spreading the curtains, opening the blinds and shouting, "Wake up Mister Sunshine!" And hearing Jack behind me, tugging at the curtains with a big grin, "yine yine!"
But what I don't like about morning time is the finality of a made bed. Jose likes to make the bed every morning. And I secretly wish he would wait a little bit longer, because I'm really hoping to jump back in. I never do. Our warm, cozy haven has cooled and no longer welcomes us. The day has begun and Mister Sunshine is waiting.
Our kid loves coffee. Not just loves it, but loves it. He snuck a sip of some lukewarm coffee we left on the coffee table and will now have a meltdown if we don't give him a sniff. Mommy Lesson #3386: coffee tables are not for coffee, nor anything hot or liquid.
So we mastered the making of the "baby chino". It's just foamed milk. He enjoys holding the warm mug in his hand and satisfying his belly, ending with a foamy mustache. Who doesn't? A friend once told me that if you ever have to meet a friend in an awkward situation, such as after a big fight, do it in a coffee shop over coffee. It makes us feel good. It makes me feel like I'm about to accomplish something big. That's why I like it in the morning.
Jack jumps to the opportunity of making coffee. It's a latte, really. He puts in the pod, places the cup and hits the button. Big button for Daddy and little button for Mama. He even foams the milk and stirs in the goods.
Not without his reward.
I was getting ready this morning when I looked down to see Jack sitting in front of the window watching videos on our little point-and-shoot. Jose was in bed, and I certainly didn't set this up for him. He turns on the camera, chooses the video option and flips through to the video of his choice and hits play. Then shuffles on to another. What the? Really? If this is what kids are learning at his age, we're going to be having the birds and bees talk VERY soon.

Nap time for us is peaceful. I'm sure this is unusual and will probably not last much longer. But for now, Jack enjoys finding his shnoot (pacifier). He always picks the red blanket from the pile of blankets on the blanket rack. And he always brings it to the same corner in the sofa where we cuddle in the same position and fall asleep. And when I don't sleep, I watch him. I take in all of his littleness. He will only be this little once, and for such a short time.

I know that one day he will be grown up and do something to amaze me, to make me proud. I know this because he has already started. He amazes me every day. I am alway proud.
Jose worked last night, so today, in order to hang out with his favorite people, he had to make several stops for coffee. We went to our favorite Bistro for lunch to enjoy our usual.
Since Jack is now a "coffee" drinker (please don't tell him it's not coffee), we have to accommodate his addiction.
He will proudly salute to his favorite cup of Joe. Cheers!
And he learned please. It comes out "peesh" with this hand motion.
Daddy taught him how to head butt.
Don't worry, it didn't hurt. He's just copying Daddy. "OOOH!"
We also taught him "ear muffs". And I know this will come in handy.
When we sum up everything, the little things and the big things, that make up our happiness, there is a lot. There really is. You just have to add it all up. After our day of accomplishment (thanks to my morning cup of coffee), we realized that it was quite a:

And when you toss in a cute pair of boots, some chalk and a very entertaining buddy, it becomes perfect. You will have to bring out your camera.

When you put it all together and reflect on it later, it really makes life seem so:
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