Swallowing frustration with school websites on downtime. This task oriented girl needs to add more completion checks to her list and can't. I'm at a standstill. So let me blog about my happy things.
Jose and I had an appointment with a chiropractor today. Her specialty is with pregnant women and children, but of course, Jose thinks he is pregnant, too. He's overcoming this slowly at his anonymous man date meetings where they discuss manly things, like toddler behavior and progress.
Since this woman is super duper special with her specialty, she's the one and only in our area. And when I say area, I lie. She's almost an hour away. So you can only imagine our disappointment when we arrived at our scheduled appointment time and were greeted with a dark office and a locked door. We waited twenty minutes, just in case the receptionist stepped out for Starbuck's and gave up.
And when wanderers get lost, they find sweet treasures. Our treasure was a hole-in-the-wall called Amaya Papaya. For ten bucks, Jack played in toddler heaven while Jose and I sat on our butts for two hours and took pictures.
Jack went to the little pretend grocery store and made a getaway with the whole cash register. Then brought it to the corner to try to open it. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you rob a Stop-N-Shop.
Pacheco is the new Beethoven. Is it too early to bring home a baby grand?
Introducing our shy face. One pointer on the ridge of his lower teeth to hide any hint of a smile. We get this pose a lot now.
Hey Jack, can you fart?
Jack, can you say heart?
Because farts and hearts are silly.
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