My Jack has become so cuddly. He comes into the room, hops onto the bed with me and snuggles. And I love it. Somehow, he understands that I am confined to the bed and doesn't try to pull me out. He is a caring and affectionate boy, all of how I think Attached Parenting benefit him.
For those who have never heard of Attached Parenting, it is a parenting style. We aspire to be an AP family. Jack sleeps in bed with us, we never spank or use physical discipline. We try (very hard) not to raise our voices at him. We breast feed. We birth naturally at home and we wear our babies. We share love, show love, speak love, act love and breathe love. We love love.
A fun weekend in January comes every year when the Highland Games set up stage and field and wait for thousands of modern day Americans to put on their kilts and blow their bagpipes. We like to start our weekend off with the burning of the Christmas tree and hot chili on Friday night with all our good people. On Saturday, it's the Scottish festival.
Two vital necessities that make our day best: Kirkman and a kilt. Oh, and beer. So three.

Do you think any of these men are wearing underwear? Doubt it.

The stage sets up at the bottom of a big grassy hill. Rock bands with bagpipes aren't nearly as entertaining as Daddy teaching Baby the Irish Jig.
And how to head bang.

To be authentic, one must appreciate the fine delicacy of sheep heart, liver, lungs all blended with onion and spices: haggis. Vomit.

This happy couple just found out they are expecting their first baby! We are so happy for them. Congratulations Eric and Ashley!

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