I'm back. I can't remember when I last checked the mail or napped with my baby. In fact, I draw a blank when people ask how far along I am in my pregnancy. I have been buried in work and school and boring hum drum, shoveling through to get here. I'm finally past the due date of my paper, now submitted. I am through with my work week and caught up on laundry. Okay, not entirely caught up on laundry, but almost. I'm back. Tomorrow, I will put away all the clothes, walk to the post and nap beside Jack.
And for the record, I'm almost six months along.
I found this awesome coupon to the Gap for 30% off my total purchase. Hear the chorus? The only setback was that I couldn't get to a Gap. So I sent my next best, Mom. I told her I'd give her a hundred bucks to blow on her grandson if she just went shopping by the date of expiration. He needs winter clothes.
Don't laugh, we're going to North Carolina, we might see winter.
She agreed. Then, Jose decided he wanted in on the coupon and went with her.
And so went the two most impulsive buyers I know. Mom pointing out the cute stuff and Jose picking it up in every color. He called me at work to tell me he spent four hundred dollars, with the coupon. "And what a deal we got, because they gave me an additional 15% off when I opened the credit card. All this stuff was almost half off!"
Um, what?
We bought a Gap? We have stock? They're retailing furniture? Because how the heck do you find eight hundred dollars worth of clothes for a toddler?
Jose bought Jack a tee ball set. And we practiced a little in the house. And when we say "SWING BATTER BATTER!", he says, "HEE BA BA BA BA!"
Then he kissed his ball, places it on its' perch, swings a few times, then hits the ball gently.
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