Sometimes, just sitting on the sofa watching my boys play is all the entertainment I need. Because this is what I see.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, that would be a grown man in his underwear and a red flying cape. Dancing and flying to influence his son's imagination. And I love it.
Then they drive their hotwheels off the table and shout, "WOAH!"
And then they form a band. And Jack plays the kazoo, upside down, because it's cool.
HOA sent out a letter stating everyone needs to put some love, sweat and tears into their front lawns. So we went to Lowe's, picked out some plants that we loved, sweat it out in the hot Florida sun and tore into our yard. Get it? No tears, tore. Get it? We definitely didn't cry, and we didn't laugh until we cried, so we tore.

Mums! Are they beautiful? What I really need if for them to be self-sufficient. They're supposed to grow back on their own, love full sun (plenty provided), and be easy. I love easy.

Jack will touch any bug, but if he spots a speck of dirt on his hands, he freezes, staring at the dirt and then looking for help. I had to teach him how to clap his hands together to get the dirt off. He did this all day.
It's just a good thing he can't see all the dirt on his face.
School started today. My awesome hoban took the baby out for a couple of hours so I could get started. I can do this and that and more. If I just remember to breathe.
A special set of surprises come next week. And they will be bundled in blue and I will love them. And Jack will love them, his first cousins. We can't wait.
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