Yesterday, we went to visit Jana and Callie at their big new house. Babies love playing with other babies' toys. And play-dates are perfect opportunities for moms to relate. Play-dates were meant for moms. But they're also perfect opportunities for some cute candid moments.
Note below, each baby started with a pacifier. Jack - white, Callie - pink. But Jack forgets he has a pacifier in his mouth and covets his neighbor's goods.
But wait, that one looks familiar. Could it be mine?
Callie got stuck in the basket. I made Jana wait it out before coming to her rescue, so I could bring home this cute shot.

So I ponder most of the day about what my next subject will be for picture taking. Well, of course it is always Jack. But what new and exciting object/food/activity can I introduce to my little brain that's always growing?
If you want to impress a lady, you have to show her how strong you are, do some push-ups.
If you know any good dance moves, let her know it!
And if she'll let you, rock her gently.
But if you're thinking about plopping a wet one on her, make sure her Daddy says OK.
We pulled out some chalk today and soaked in our fifteen required minutes of pure Florida sunshine. My little street artist worked on his masterpiece while jamming out to his Fisher Price boom box.
Could he be right-handed?
Or ambi-dexterous?
Yup, he's a genius. He can draw a perfect five-point star without a ruler!
Told you he was smart.
So today, I thought of popcorn. He has never had it. I imagined us standing in front of the microwave, listening to that pop-pop-pop. I'd give him his first popped kernel after it had cooled and he would get all excited, making it crunch in his mouth. I even bought new plastic bowls!
No no no. He had no interest in the popping in the microwave. I burned the popcorn. How did I burn the popcorn? Then, after I picked all the good pieces, otherwise non-burnt, and put them into one of the new plastic bowls, I placed it on the table for ONE peaceful picture of proof that I made popcorn... before Destruct-O came and overturned my bowl onto the carpet and stomped all over the popcorn. At least I got to see him smile while enjoying the crunching sound.
Don't worry, Daddy. Not a morsel of popcorn to be found when you get home. I vacuumed twice over and did a double inspection with a magnifying glass. Wink.
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