Laying down all day, is by far, the hardest thing I have ever done.
Really, this is for the birds (figuratively speaking, those lucky ducks get to fly).
Having someone cater to me all day long, three meals a day. Keeping my water glass filled because I'm supposed to double my intake. Not to mention, having someone chip away at the endless chores around the house and chase Jack, and not be able to help is hard.
And I know it may sound like a paradise to some moms, but I can't stand it. I want to be there. I want to pick up my baby and take him outside. I want to prepare for a new little bunny coming soon. Shoot, I want to go for a run.
So I relish in my pictures from this month that I have yet to blog. I may have to deliver over a few posts. I am quite behind. And that is okay, because the bright side to all this lounging is sifting through pictures of a great month in which I jumped, danced and held my boy.
Who needs toys? We need to feed our children imagination. Let them nurture and allow it to grow. Who are we to take away their innovation in favor of a clean house? Let them tear out the sheets and sofa cushions. Flip over buckets and tables and chairs and create a little haven for themselves. They need this. This is what feeds their creativity. And I love that Jose delivers a mouthful.

And if your baby has not yet ceased the opportunity to squish his little toes in finger paints, roll up those pants and dip in. We have a driveway of artwork created by our little Jack Picasso. And it's the best art.

Escape to Downtown Disney where water shoots out of the ground with no warning to tourists. And no warning to my curious toddler. The water would shoot out of one spigot before the next. Jack ran behind to peek into the hole after the water vanished. We sat by an audience that Jack had accumulated anticipating a splash in the face and a very upset little man. But he's quick. And lucky. Very lucky.

Still dry.

Sometimes I like to move far away and watch my favorite people from a distance. I catch candid love when they least expect it. My heart swells with appreciation. These lucky charms are mine.

Advice from my toddler: when you can't decide on a tie, wear them all.

You're never too old to call Dad when you get a flat.
When the world gets you down, try changing the way you look at it.

If anyone needs me, I can be found in bed. Sigh.